Peace in the World

The Condition of Life in the Last Generation

3 min readApr 8, 2022

First, everyone must thoroughly understand and explain to his surroundings that the well-being of society, which is the well-being of the state and the well-being of the world, are completely interdependent. As long as the laws of society are not satisfactory to each and every individual in the state, and leave a minority that is dissatisfied with the government of the state, that minority conspires under the government of the state and seeks to overthrow it.

If its power is not sufficient to fight the government of the state face to face, it will seek to overthrow it indirectly, such as by inciting countries against each other and bringing them to war, for it is natural that at wartime there will be many more dissatisfied people with whom they will have hope to achieve the critical mass to overthrow the government of the state and establish a new leadership that is convenient for them. Thus, the well-being of the individual is a direct cause for the well-being of the state.

Furthermore, if we take into consideration that always-existing part in the state for whom war is their craft and their every hope of success — such as professional soldiers and suppliers of ammunition — who are always a very prominent minority in terms of social quality, and if we add to them the dissatisfied minority from the current laws, then at any given moment, you have a vast amount of people craving war and bloodshed.

Thus, peace in the world and peace in the country are interdependent. Hence, we necessarily find that even that part of the state which is currently satisfied with life, who are the nimble and the clever, they still have a lot to be concerned about for the safety of their lives due to the tensions with those who strive to overthrow them. If they understood the value of peace, they would be happy to adopt the conduct of life in the last generation, for “all that a man has will he give for his life.”

Baal ha-Sulam (rabbi Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashlag), the biggest Kabbalist and great mind of XXth century.

This is an excerpt from his article “Peace in the World”. It came back to my attention in the beginning of February ’22 with escalating total suppression of human rights activists, anti-corruption civil investigators and journalists in One big cold country. Those people were forming that dissatisfied part of the society, undergoing coal-to-diamond transmutation under the pressure of official government.

Then we all know what happened.

The point of original article is not laying in scape of politics, but rather determines the flow of natural processes ongoing in every society.

Unfortunately, there are not too many people that can observe and look for true higher root of the process.

Under the term “Last Generation” Baal ha-Sulam is referring to our generation, in which we feel the undeniable urge to bridge the old world and the new society, built on love, peace, unity and bestowal. It’s our task and great honor to deliver this idea to the world.

